Beginning Age
All new scuba divers are held to the same standard. Open water Scuba Diver Certifications start at 15 years of age. Junior Open Water Divers are age 12 to 14 years. A Junior open water diver may need a parent or guardian to be present during training. A pre-course interview with the parent or legal guardian and the student should be held to determine physical ability to manage the equipment and skill demands, emotional maturity, and academic ability to understand the required knowledge material.
When the Certified Junior Open Water Diver turns 15, an Open Water Diver certificate can be requested from their certifying instructor or from Scuba Educators International (SEI) directly.
Upper Age Limit
Is there an upper age limit? As long as you are physically healthy, you can scuba dive. Those of advanced age who are comfortable in the water can certainly enjoy the support that being neutrally buoyant brings. An older diver might need help with heavy equipment when entering and exiting the water, but once below the surface, any concerns tend to vanish.
Mr. Edmund F. Ball of the Ball Brothers Glass factory, at age 65 requested private lessons. Mr. Ball continued diving throughout the world until his declining health forced him to stop at age 95. For 30 years he made over 600 dives in every ocean off every continent. So, as long as health permits, there is no upper age limit.